Tips To Help You Stay Safe And Healthy As You Declutter And Minimise The Transmission Of The Coronavirus
Issue: May 2020
As Covid-19 is still very much impacting our lives, it is crucial that we wrap our heads around how the virus gets transmitted and find out the actions we can take to lower the chances of getting infected. The main way that the virus gets spread around is through respiratory droplets expelled into the environment when someone coughs and sneezes. It is very probable that anyone who comes into contact with a high touch point or surface that has been contaminated runs the risk of getting infected with the virus.
You are likely taking the sensible and right precautions of frequently washing your hands and maintaining a safe social distance from others. However, since one of the modes of transmission of the virus is surface contaminations, you ought to take extra steps to keep your surroundings safe and in turn keep your loved ones and people around you healthy.
Many of you are picking up new hobbies and spend a huge amount of time with your family in the midst of the circuit breaker. This is a good time to do some decluttering, tidy up your home and office area, then have some of the items you’d like to retain but keep out of sight stored away at a secure self storage facility. Not only will you have more spaces freed up by decluttering, but also the number of surfaces that can get contaminated is greatly reduced with less things lying around. Continue reading to know about more tips that can help you make your surroundings safer and healthier as you get accustomed to working from home.
Rid The Basin Area Of Clutter And Sanitise It Frequently
The areas near the basin are more susceptible to getting contaminated regardless of whether it’s at home, in the office or at an eatery. It is now a widely known fact that practising good personal hygiene by washing your hands several times throughout the day is necessary. Even though doing so helps to fight the virus, water droplets could still land on the surfaces near the basin as you wash your hands.
You can limit the number of surfaces that water droplets land on by getting rid of clutter and clear out the areas near the basin. This way the risk of surface transmissions would be much lower. Since the basin is a high touch point, it is important to keep its surrounding areas sanitary.
Everyone should make it a point to wipe down high touch points with a disinfecting solution as a preventive measure. The tap handles and surfaces around the basin are spots to pay special attention to when disinfecting the area. Ridding the basin areas of clutter also helps to make it easier to sanitise the spaces. Through regular cleaning, a tidier and safer environment is created while the probability of transmissions is minimised.
Classify Your Storage Items
As most of you are staying home for the foreseeable future, it is the perfect opportunity to declutter your storage spaces by tidying, organising and putting away the things that you do not use. While decluttering is a way for many to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, it also creates a cleaner environment by reducing the number of objects and surfaces that can act as potential mediums for surface transmissions.
If you find it difficult to organise your things, it might help to group your items by category. This way you can figure out the objects you can get rid of or find a self storage facility to store them away, creating more room for the objects that you need. Make sure that your categories are fine-tuned so that it is easier to segregate your things and be more organised.
As mentioned earlier, surface contamination can play a part in the transmission of the coronavirus. As such, clearing flat surfaces such as countertops and shelves can make a big difference in contributing to a clean environment. Research has shown that coronavirus can survive up to 72 hours on hard surfaces such as countertops as compared to other more porous surfaces.
Keeping just a few important things on the countertops and storing the rest away will definitely help in preventing surface contamination. Apart from decluttering and organising these areas, do also remember to disinfect regularly to eliminate any breeding ground for the virus.
Get Yourself A Storage Unit In Hong Kong
With everyone working from home, some of you may experience space constraints especially if you are holding on to any bulky items in your house. If you have spent some time at home decluttering and have realised that there is a shortage of space to store the items you do not use, finding a storage facility may help you solve this problem.
Storage facilities such as StorHub, provide storage spaces in various convenient locations all over Hong Kong, so you can find one that is close to home. With 24/7 access to your storage area, you can drop in as and when you need. For businesses or homes that need to store bulky items, having dedicated storage spaces can give you additional space to declutter your spaces and have a tidier environment at home or at work.
Keeping Your Surroundings Safe And Sanitary
In this period of uncertainty, it is essential that we do everything we can to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. With most people staying home, everyone in Hong Kong has the responsibility and opportunity to fight this virus by keeping our living and working spaces sterile and tidy.
Apart from decluttering your space, also regularly disinfect frequently touched items in your household or offices such as remote controls, doorknobs, cupboard surfaces as well as your personal devices such as your phones. Start adopting these measures to reduce the risk of the virus entering your homes or offices and stay safe!