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紅磡迷你倉 | 尺寸、價錢及優惠 | 趣存StorHub
紅磡迷你倉 | 尺寸、價錢及優惠 | 趣存StorHub
紅磡迷你倉 | 尺寸、價錢及優惠 | 趣存StorHub
紅磡迷你倉 | 尺寸、價錢及優惠 | 趣存StorHub
紅磡迷你倉 | 尺寸、價錢及優惠 | 趣存StorHub
紅磡迷你倉 | 尺寸、價錢及優惠 | 趣存StorHub
1樓A室, B室及5樓

2809 2930


星期一至五  :  9.00am – 6.00pm
星期六  :  10.00am – 5.00pm
星期日和公眾假期  :  10.00am – 4.00pm


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紅磡過去是一個綜合發展區,現時區內大多是住宅樓宇,另建有香港理工大學附屬學生宿舍及辦公大樓等,而鶴園街、民樂街一帶仍保留作工業區。紅磡迷你倉於該區需求甚廣,但如何選擇優質的服務供應商?便要留意以下幾個重點:包括自置物業、合乎消防條例、24 小時開放及免費泊車等等,趣存StorHub 便符合以上準則,讓您可以安心存放私人物品、貨物或商務用品。

趣存StorHub 迷你倉紅磡分店

趣存StorHub 明白香港人對生活空間的追求,於是開設紅磡迷你倉,我們設 24 小時閉路電視,智能獨立密碼進出系統,更提供不同呎吋倉庫供客人選擇,小至 11 呎, 大至百多呎的倉庫都有,靈活租期,短至一個月長至數年均可,而且星期一至日均有職員當值,為您提供友善專業的服務,讓你可以安心存放個人物品,令家居更寬敞。



趣存StorHub 迷你倉紅磡分店交通方便,您可以選擇乘巴士到訪,也可乘地鐵至黃埔站或何文田站,我們亦提供免費泊車服務,紅磡分店交通路線如下:

巴士線: 2E, 3B, 5C, 6C, 6F, 6X, 7B, 8, 11K, 11X, 13, 15, 15X, 21, 21X, 30X, 41, 45, 75X, 85, 85B, 85X, 106, 106A, 106P, 107, 115, 116, 230X, 297, 796X, E23, E23A
小巴線: 2, 13, 8, 8S


1. 紅磡迷你倉有禁止儲存的物品嗎?


2. 紅磡迷你倉是否需要支付保證金?

客戶在租倉時需支付相當於一個月租金的保證金,如退租時倉內沒有任何毀及保持整潔,保證金將會於客戶退租後 14 日內退還給客戶。

3. 租倉需要購買保險嗎?


4. 迷你倉紅磡分店是 24 小時營業的嗎?

我們的紅磡迷你倉分店是 24 小時開放,並設專屬個人密碼,客戶可以隨時進出倉存取物品。

8 months agoKC provided outstanding and detailed help throughout the process, from whole quotation to storage. He made an otherwise difficult process much easier. Thank you for your help, and for Storhub’s efficient service. Eric the mover is also extremely helpful and kind.
8 months agoCustomer Service Review Induction Day: So when I got to know about Storhub at a time when I wanted to store a few of my bags due to changes in my personal circumstances, I would like to thank the team in Cheung Sha Wan (Stella and Agnes) who were so warm and welcoming to understand my needs. Due to no space in Cheung Sha Wan, they teamed up with the Hung Hom Team (Clara, KC and Sam). When I got to meet the Hung Hom Team - their warmth and welcoming smiles made me feel at home too. So thank you to these individuals for assisting me in each and every step to understand what to put where and how to sort out my luggage etc and for which better storage facility and at what cost. Once done - KC introduced me to this espresso coffee machine and its capsules and I never looked back once I drank some whilst enjoying the discreet and refined capsules for some of the flavours (ofcourse can't drink all of them otherwise I'd be addicted lol) - this has motived me to get one and have it in my next home. So thank you Storhub Hong Kong team. I would definitely recommend anyone I meet and/or cross path who might be in my situation with wanting to store some goods especially in HK. Regards,
5 months agoVery efficient services by polite staff. Clean premises.
6 months agoGood service and reasonable price. Free parking is useful for car owners as well.
4 months agoVery good service
  • 限時優惠




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